
July 14, 2014 at 11:29 AM (Uncategorized)

I said I’d restart the workout regimen today, and happy I did.  first half was the sitting aerobics workout with the dumbest affirmations ever, so I just shut down the sound and do the repetitions.  Did half of a 40 minute aerobic  workout, (Complete Sitting Aerobics by Kelly Bliss ), I’ll add more in as I feel capable. Second  half was the strength training regimen from the rehab completed in June. Used the four pound weights and hope I’ll have no trouble with that.Total time between the two ran about 40 minutes. I’ll have to wait until the evening to do the ankle weight reps, because I need my aide to put the weights on my ankles.  Did do some thigh hip, leg raises and ankle pumps this am though.

Also drank the soy/almond dark chocolate blended shake thing with cold pre frozen banana warmed just enough to mix in and blend.  Works like ice, makes it cold. Yummy. 17 grams of protein before noon.  This will be a five day a week thing, as it was in the nursing homes, but I’m going to only give myself one day off in a row, (two days but broken up. That last piece of advice came from my gym coach cousin, hi Nancy.

I’m thinkin’ this is something I’ll be able to keep up because I am used to it…



1 Comment

  1. bridgett said,

    John is fixing “spa” meals — beautiful to look out, modest in calories — as a first move towards better health. I would ordinarily be resisting in my brain but it really is time and even my inner petulant child knows it.

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