Voted Down

April 27, 2011 at 9:01 AM (Uncategorized) (, , )

via my friend Bridgett and the NYT...and this will be tested in the courts. I wish it was illegal to cost people a workday to go and get this…my idea…in the last three months of 2011, and every ninety days thereafter, organize information sessions and offer to bring folks to them (as on election day) and explain in detail how to go about getting the correct documentation to ‘pass’ the voting hurdles on election day…as well as the lessened hours for early voting that are in many of these bills too.

O BTW, doesn’t this limit the Help America Vote Act? HAVA?  With less early voting and longer lines persons with disabilities will have a harder time as well..

In Kansas, Brownback says this will protect the “sanctity of the vote…”

Yeah, by excluding legitimate voters…

Sanctity, my @**.

Protecting the sanctity of the vote by narrowing the criteria…

The sanctity of democracy being narrowed, I guess.

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Resurrection Day/ A Room of One’s Own (Using for Blogging Against Disablism Day 2011)

April 21, 2011 at 12:27 PM (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , , )

This is so surreal.

From being subject to a roommate or stranger to help me…

I’ve arrived at my accessible apartment, in my new state (a return to Ohio where I was born and raised),  begun the explosive process of moving in (by explosive I mean boxes exploding everywhere)…charging up my power chair…so I can roll for three minutes and head to the store…or to the bank…or another twenty minutes and arrive at church, or the drugstore…  And realizing I can now do the personal care stuff on my own…and cook, and hang outside (no elevators )  I have no pics yet, but will post some in the next few days…

I’m on assistive tech joy overload.  (an unassisted shower is a marvelous thing)

From a year’s worth of crazy all the way to this?

I’m really stunned by having something genuinely good happen.  It’s been awhile.

And the house rules here are not:

My former roommate’s, or my parent’s  (I don’t have to live with what someone else cooks or buys)

They are my own.

I was an only child,  but also am high verbal, and really social.  So my most ‘comfortable’ head space is: living in my own place, alone, with a lot of friends and neighbors nearby…I did the marriage thing and the roommate thing fairly well, but all that was a learned behavior as an adult.

This is the setup I’m used to.

I have some anxiety now that I wrestle with, so of course living alone will be tougher…

the downside…The lack of frequent public transportation in this part of the state is unacceptable…so, my first adventure, after settling in, is finding out how an ordinary citizen can get a precis of the Lorain and Cuyahoga county budgets, and do some line item checking on my own….

“So, you say there’s no money to run a connector from the end of the LC transit system to Walker and Bradley, the last corner where the RTA (Cuyahoga county) route 55 ends? Or no money for each transit authority to jointly fund an extension of the 55 route past our complex and a nearby senior center twice a week?

I know, everyone is broke.  Hell, *I’m * broke.

But give me the data, some time, and a pencil.

I’ll find the money *for* you,  budgetmeisters.

I thought this was most appropriate for BADD this year…so it kinda breaks the rules…but go over to goldfish’s blog and read the stuff that was original to the day and actually linked…, as usual it’s amazing…

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