Deferred: The Sequel…Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love My Local Government.

October 25, 2008 at 8:43 PM (Uncategorized) (, , , , , )

Dear Elections Commission:

If you want to reassure voters that you’ve got this error in hand, that the 10,000 missing mail in ballots have been rescued from the secret underground bunker that Tom Tancredo and Marilyn Musgrave put them in, that it’s all being corrected by serious, earnest, intelligent people…

Wait, no, I’ll just hit the robocall itself.

Disclaimer, the dates I will mention are *exactly as told to me in a robocall:*

Evidently those of us found to be condemmed to the Island of Lost Ballots, had to be notified by phone today.

The recorded message said, in part…

“These ballots will be mailed to you from the Denver Post Office on Monday October 27th”

…Mail In Ballots should be postmarked by Friday, October 27th.”

I’ll say it slowly:

*If *you* *want* *to* *actually* *work* *for* *a* *living* *you* *might* *try* *checking* *a* *calendar* *before* *hitting* *the* *Record/Play* button on that 1978 vintage audio cassette recorder used to capture the recording.

Unless of course they’re using one of those pesky time machines (borrowed from Time Tunnel, Trek, The Bullwinkle cartoons, or that curve-wrecker Hermoine Granger of the ‘Harry Potter’ books/films..) and delivering the ballots to some future year that will have a ‘Friday October 27th’ in it.

Can we send the ElectionFolk to summer school?


  1. bridgett said,

    So, you’re to postmark the ballot on a non-existent date that would fall on the same date (or three non-existent days earlier) than you are actually to receive the ballot? Seems perfectly clear to me.

    Some people are just soooo picky about their voting rights.

  2. Gary Presley said,

    Would you consider mentioning my newly-published memoir on your blog? I would be happy to exchange blog feeds as well.

    Seven Wheelchairs: A Life beyond Polio was recently released by The University of Iowa Press.

    The memoir is a history — an American tale — of my fifty year wheelchair journey after being struck by both bulbar and lumbar poliomyelitis after a vaccine accident in 1959. The Press says Seven Wheelchairs gives “readers the unromantic truth about life in a wheelchair, he escapes stereotypes about people with disabilities and moves toward a place where every individual is irreplaceable.”

    Other reviewers have called Seven Wheelchairs “sardonic and blunt,” “a compelling account,” and “powerful and poetic.”

    I hope you can mention Seven Wheelchairs on your blog. We all live different disability stories, I know, but perhaps if you find the memoir worthwhile, you might want to recommend the book to others who are curious about what polio or disability in general.

    Of course, the book is also available through Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

    Gary Presley
    SEVEN WHEELCHAIRS: A Life beyond Polio
    Fall 2008 University of Iowa Press

  3. imfunny2 said,

    Thanks, Gary…

    It’s worthwhile to hear of these things. I’ll check it out.

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