
August 8, 2007 at 7:47 PM (Falling)

Snark and satire alert, please…take note…

Atheists, please feel free to insert your phrase of choice for ‘God’



One of your followers recently told me that my increasing level of impairment is directly proportional to the amount  humility I have been ‘forced’ to exhibit.

In other words, that you, God, are suddenly at this late date dissatisfied with the curt, snappish, quickwitted chunky gimp that you, in fact, created, and would rather see a kinda lame rippoff of Tiny Tim, crossed with an appealingly needy old woman with an angelic face…

There is, of course the little matter of the fact that I was thrown to my knees this morning…redstate types may have actually thought I’d been driven to pray, when in fact a tricky transfer maneuver went awry and I ended up falling in front of my wheelchair as opposed to falling into it…

In the work parking lot in front of many concerned persons…

I called the pros, 911, to haul me up and put me back in the chair….and when I get furious, I cry, which makes me look even more pathetic.

Which they did, but not before they had done a job on my back by twisting me in directions I’m not built to go in.

And the *staring.*

No one was evil, but I wish the parking lot had swallowed me up, before I had to appear vulnerable in front of these people…

One someone, meaning nothing but kindness, whispered “I’ts not a crime to ask for help, and it’s not a crime to need it…”


Humility…not my best feature….especially when I am ‘forced’ into it…

But, you, God, knew that already….

So what’s with the public humiliation???

Just curious…

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